BY TC News Desk
Agartala: March 03. The West Tripura District administration has clamped section 144 CrPC for 12 hours across the district in order to maintain law and order, peace and tranquility.
In an order, West District Magistrate Debapriya Bardhan said that a letter has been received from the Superintendent of Police, West Tripura which mentioned requirement of restriction in order to maintain law and order, peace & tranquility within the jurisdiction of West Tripura District.
“….based on information received from various parts of the District it is apprehended that there is every possibility of illegal assembly, breach of peace and public tranquility by anti-social and criminal elements in various areas of West Tripura District which may disrupt peaceful atmosphere in the District. I am satisfied that there is urgent need to issue Prohibitory Order to prevent disturbance of public tranquility otherwise there may be deterioration of Law & Order. Now, after reviewing the present situation and other details put up before me in this regard, I, do hereby pass order u/s- 144 Cr. P.C to prohibit any kind of assembly consisting of five or more persons with or without weapons or weapon like objects such as lathi, sticks, iron rods, bamboos, stone or any object which may be used as weapons of offence within the limits of West Tripura District”, the order reads.
He also said prohibited movement of two or more numbers of Motor Bikes or Motor Cars moving together in any area without necessary permission/exemption.
“This order shall be valid from 06:00 P.M of 3rd March, 2023 to 06:00 A.M of 4th March. Any person violating this order shall be prosecuted u/s 188 of I.P.C. The Superintendent of Police, West Tripura District is directed to ensure strict implementation of this order. The CAPF, SAP, Police shall be deployed optimally to ensure strict implementation of the order Issued under my hand and seal on 3rd March”, the order reads.