Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Dr Narottam Mishra on Tuesday stated that the situation in Khandwa is currently under control. Furthermore, the police force throughout the state is on alert due to ongoing festivals
While speaking to reporters, Dr. Mishra mentioned that the police is in a state of high alert during festivals throughout the state. They have been given instructions to maintain close surveillance at all locations.
He stated that the situation in Khandwa has been brought under control. A stone was thrown at the Tehsildar’s vehicle during the incident of stone pelting. An investigation has been initiated against an unidentified individual in relation to this matter, and the CCTV footage is currently being thoroughly examined.
A case of stone pelting came to light in a particular area in Khandwa Monday during the Kanwar Yatra. As a result of the stone pelting, two groups confronted each other, and the police intervened to disperse the crowd.