Agartala, February 03: The Arundhuti Nagar English Medium School held its annual sports competition on Saturday, showcasing the talents and skills of its students. The event was attended by Mayor Dipak Majumder, who praised the students for their achievements and encouraged them to pursue sports along with studies.
“Sports are essential for the physical and mental well-being of our children. Without physical skills, boys and girls will not be able to stay healthy. The state government is also trying to improve the standard of sports by providing better facilities and infrastructure for our players,” the Mayor said.
He added that the fields in the state are being built through modern systems like the rest of the country, and expressed hope that the children of the state, especially the students of Arundhuti Nagar English Medium School, would gain national fame by excelling in sports.
The sports competition featured various events such as running, jumping, throwing, and team games. The students participated with enthusiasm and displayed their sportsmanship and spirit. The winners were awarded with medals and certificates by the mayor and the school principal.
The principal of the school Ritu Sharma, thanked the mayor for his support and appreciation, and congratulated the students for their performance. She said that the school aims to provide a holistic education to its students, and that sports are an integral part of it.
“We are proud of our students for their achievements in sports, as well as academics and other activities. We believe that sports help in developing the personality, confidence, and leadership qualities of our students. We also encourage them to raise their voice against any injustice or discrimination they face in the society,” she said.
The sports competition was a success and received positive feedback from the parents, teachers, and guests. The students said that they enjoyed the event and learned a lot from it. They also thanked the Mayor and the principal for their guidance and motivation.