By TC News Desk
Agartala, 18th May 2024: The helpline number for TSECL at Teliamura has become unreliable leaving residents in a precarious situation. Despite claiming to provide 24-hour service, the helpline is manned only until 10 pm. However, even during these hours, employees are struggling with broken phones.
Debashis Roy, an employee of TSECL attempted to cover up the issue when news media personnel visited the corporation’s office following complaints from Teliamura residents. According to Roy, there are two shifts of staff responsible for answering the helpline number until 10 pm. If other employees are present in the office, they can pick up the phone; otherwise, calls go unanswered.
The broken helpline phone has severe consequences for ordinary people facing electricity-related emergencies. With no reliable means of contacting the power corporation office, safety concerns arise. Ratan Pal, a lineman confirmed that the office phone at TSECL in Teliamura is indeed dead. He advised customers to call the Gamai Bari TSECL office instead.
Allegations have surfaced that some Corporation’s employees in Teliamura have become complacent after years of service. Despite the prolonged suffering of residents due to inadequate service, the office has not taken any initiative to repair the emergency phone line. Teliamura residents demand answers and question how the power corporation will address this liability. After all, it is the people’s hard-earned money that funds the corporation, and they deserve better service in return. The complaint is that while everything appears fine on paper, the corporation is failing to fulfill its duties in the interest of the public.
Refugees’ tents demolished at Pekuacherra village: Struggle for survival intensifies
By TC News Desk
Agartala, 18th May 2024: In a pre-dawn operation, forest department personnel descended upon Ward No. 3 of Pekuchhara Village, demolishing several tents that housed refugees. The incident has sparked outrage and protest among the displaced families.
Refugees from Kanchanpur, including 83 families from Jayashree, Laljuri, Bara Haldi, Subhash Nagar, and Dasada, sought shelter in Ward No. 3 last Saturday. Their struggle for accommodation escalated as they faced eviction threats from the forest department. Bengali-speaking community leaders and Communist representatives visited the area, advocating for the refugees’ rights.
At approximately 4:00 AM, forest department personnel dismantled two or three tents, leaving the temporary refugees without shelter. The refugees stood their ground, protesting the eviction and demanding a specific solution from the Chief Minister.
After a week-long struggle, the refugees’ determination bore fruit when drinking water broke through the forest department’s control line, reaching the forest. On Saturday morning, villagers breached the fence erected by the forest department, allowing water access.
High-ranking forest officials reported the situation to the Chief Minister, who received humanitarian appeals to save the refugees’ lives. The refugees, despite being Bengali-speaking, emphasized the need to uphold their exclusive demands for food, clothing, and shelter.
As tensions rise, all eyes are on the Chief Minister’s response to this pressing humanitarian crisis.