By TC News Desk
Agartala, September 12, 2022: A group of villagers locked the Panchayat office with various demands including corruption in MGNREGA, improper supply of drinking water and dilapidated condition of roads at Nalkata village under Manu block of Longtharai Valley subdivision.
It is reported that, there has been a long-standing anger over the poor roads and drinking water in the areas and extreme corruption is rampant while the beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana have not received the second installment. Even after informing the leaders and ministers to the officials of the concerned departments, nothing has been done.
At around 11.30 am on Monday, angry villagers besieged the Nalkata Panchayat office with their demands. Later, the local people kept the secretary and other office workers locked in the panchayat office. About 2.30 hours have passed till the news was written, but no official of the concerned department has been seen. As a result, the Nalkata Panchayat office is still locked.