In a significant blow to drug smugglers in Gurdaspur, BSF on Monday conducted an intelligence-led operation by providing credible information about smugglers engaged in cross-border smuggling. Initially, BSF recovered heroin transported by drone from Pakistan to India.
The BSF spokesperson said the BSF intelligence setup tirelessly pursued the case and helped identify the traffickers behind the smuggling. After thoroughly corroborating the information, BSF passed it on to Gurdaspur police, leading to the arrest of two smugglers.
Further follow-up and questioning led to the arrest of three more smugglers.
He said this successful operation has resulted in the apprehension of long-time drug smugglers, with heroin, drug money, drones used for smuggling, and weapons seized from the accused. This marks a comprehensive success for BSF, which is tirelessly working to combat the drug menace in Punjab. The credible information was also acknowledged by Gurdaspur police, who were able to arrest five smugglers based on the input from the BSF.