In a devastating incident on Sunday midnight, a car carrying five individuals, including two children and a woman, collided with an unidentified lorry on the Addanki-Narketpally National Highway at Miryalaguda in this district, resulting in the death of five people and leaving one person critically injured.
According to police, the victims, identified as Mahesh (32), Jyothi (30), Rishitha (6), Bhuma Mahender (32), and Liyanshi (2), were returning to their native village of Nandipadu in Miryalaguda after completing a pilgrimage in Vijayawada and other places when the tragic accident occurred.
The injured individual has been admitted to the Area Hospital in Miryalaguda and subsequently transferred to a private hospital for advanced medical care.
Police have registered a case, and an ongoing investigation is underway to apprehend the lorry and its driver, the police added.