Shiv Sena UBT faction senior leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Raut on Tuesday said there is no photo of late Balasaheb in the Shinde Sena’s advertisement, adding, ‘It is not real Shiv Sena but it is a Modi-Shah sena.’
In this advertisement, the headline says, ‘Modi in the nation, Shinde in Maharashtra is loved by the people’.
Raut said, ‘ In Maharashtra, such jokes are happening in politics. Is this advertisement government or private, if Government then BJP should answer. ‘
‘ This government is standing on the support of 105 MLAs, they should answer. A survey has been advertised by spending crores of rupees. Where exactly was all this done, it does not seem to be in Maharashtra, ‘ he stated.
Raut further said such a survey cannot happen in Maharashtra.
‘ There is no mention of Balasaheb Thackeray’s photo anywhere in this advertisement by those who claim to be Balasaheb Thackeray’s heir, ‘ he asked.
Raut also said, ‘ It has been proved that this is not Shiv Sena but it is Shah-Modi’s sena. ‘
Raut also alleged that the advertisement expenditure of crores of rupees has been incurred from the government treasury.