Former Karnataka Minister and BJP leader Dr K Sudhakar on Wednesday alleged that Siddaramaiah’s threat to pull down the HD Kumaraswamy-led coalition government, forced Congress MLAs to quit the party and face the by-polls to protect the karyakartas and supporters in their constituencies.
Sudhakar alleged that Siddaramaiah used to assure MLAs that he would not allow the HD Kumaraswamy-led coalition government to continue even for a single day after Lok Sabha polls.
Taking to Twitter, the BJP leader said: “During the JDS-Cong coalition govt in 2018, whenever MLAs went to the then Coordination Committe Chairman Shri Siddaramaiah with their concerns, he used to express his helplessness and say that he has no say in the government and his constituency/district works itself are stalled.”
“Further, Shri Siddaramaiah used to assure MLAs to wait till 2019 Lok Sabha polls and come what may he won’t allow Shri HD Kumaraswamy led coalition govt to continue even for a single day after Lok Sabha polls,” he said.
Because of this, Dr Sudhakar said some of the legislators had to inevitably quit Congress. “Ultimately some of us had to inevitably quit Congress and go back to the people in bypolls, to protect the karyakartas and supporters in our constituencies,” he tweeted.
“Can Shri Siddaramaiah deny the fact that he had no role, implicitly or explicitly, in this move by Congress MLAs?” the BJP leader questioned.