In the wake of the upcoming Lok Sabha Election-2024, a special holiday has been declared for voters from Jammu and Kashmir and Rajasthan who are employed in Punjab, to allow them to cast their votes in their respective states on April 19.
Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Sibin C stated that government employees working in Punjab’s government offices, Boards, Corporations, and Educational institutions, who are registered voters of Rajasthan and Jammu and Kashmir, are eligible for special leave on April 19 (Friday), upon presentation of their Voter Card. This leave will not be deducted from their leave balance.
He further said that in accordance with Section 135B(1) of the Representation of People Act 1951, voters from Jammu and Kashmir and Rajasthan employed in any Industrial Establishment, Business, Trade, or other Establishments in Punjab will also receive a Paid holiday on April 19, to enable them to participate in the Electoral process.
Additionally, a local holiday will be observed on April 19 in government Offices, Boards, Corporations, Educational institutions situated in the Border districts of Pathankot, Fazilka, and Muktsar Sahib. This holiday will come under the Negotiable Instruments Act-1881.
A notification to this effect has been issued by the Punjab government.