The effect of the cold wave in Uttar Pradesh is being felt in Marathwada in Maharashtra state as well. The temperature in the district including Parbhani city is continuously decreasing and the district has become cold.
In Parbhani city the lowest minimum temperature of this year was recorded at 5.7 degrees Celsius .
Meanwhile, the weather department of Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Agricultural University has predicted the possibility of cold wave for the next two days, so Parbhanikar will have to face the cold wave for the next two days.
Since the temperature has been continuously decreasing for the past few days, the district has become cold. The lowest temperature of this year was previously recorded at 6.3 degrees Celsius on December 9, 2022 and 8.3 degrees Celsius on November 21.
Meanwhile, the effect of the cold wave in Uttar Pradesh has been felt in the district for the past few days and Parbhani city recorded the lowest temperature of this year at 5.7 degrees Celsius on Monday.
However,rest of the district across this region also registering below 10 degree Celsius temprature.
Meanwhile,the present weather is suit for Rabbi crops .