With India’s third Lunar mission Chandrayaan-3 is all set to launch at 1435 hours on Friday, several Bollywood celebrities praised the scientists from the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and the nation, expressing their respect and support.
ISRO will launch the Chandrayaan-3 lunar mission from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota of Andhra Pradesh.
Mission Mangal actor Akshay Kumar posted on Twitter, saying, “And the moment has come to rise!
Best of luck to all of our @isro scientists for #Chandrayaan3.
There are a billion people praying for you.’
Anupam Kher said ‘India all set for its 3rd mission on the moon. Wishing our scientists at #ISRO all the very best for the launch of #Chandrayaan3 .’
Riteish Deshmukh said ‘Excited for the launch of #Chandrayaan3 -wishing our nations pride @isro all the best – praying for its success. #JaiHind.’
Sunil Shetty said ‘Excitement levels reaching the MOON! Sending my virtual cheers to #Chandrayaan3 for its upcoming mission! Can’t wait to witness India’s tech prowess soar to new heights! May the journey be smooth, discoveries be mind-blowing, and success be astronomical! #ProudIndian @isro’.