By TC News Desk
Agartala: July 17. Protests are increasing day by day for the demand of drinking water and to repair road in several parts of state. This time angry crowd blocked road for drinking water and to repair road in Mainama area under Manu block on Sunday.
It is known that the roads of the villages of Mainama ADC Village and surrounding areas have been in a bad condition for a long time. The local people have informed the Manu Block authorities several times to repair the road but nothing has been done. Besides, acute shortage of drinking water. Many times the officials of the department including the public representatives of the area were informed but did not take any role. So finally, losing patience, people from the surrounding area along with Mainama sat on road block in Mainama area of Manu-Chamanu road since morning demanding drinking water and road repair. Later, when the administrative officials rushed to the spot and reassured them, the angry crowd withdrew the road blockade.