Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday said he will abide by the details contained in the letter issued to him to vacate his official bungalow following his disqualification from Lok Sabha as a member.
In his response to a letter issued by the Lok Sabha Secretariat on Monday to vacate the bungalow by April 22, 2023 he wrote “Thank you for your letter of March 27 regarding the cancellation of my accommodation at 12 Tughlak Lane. As an elected Member of the Lok Sabha over the last 4 terms, it is the mandate of the people to which I owe the happy memories of my time spent here.”
“Without prejudice to my rights, I will, of course, abide by the details contained in your letter,” the former Congress chief wrote in his letter addressed to Mohit Ranjan, Deputy Secretary, MS Branch of the Lok Sabha Secretariat.
“Consequent upon your disqualification/cessation from the Membership of Lok Sabha, I am directed to state that you are allowed to retain Bungalow No. 12, Tughlak Lane along with its units, in which you have continued to stay as your regular accommodation in the capacity of Member of 17th Lok Sabha, for a maximum period of one month i.e. upto April 22, on the similar terms and conditions as were applicable as a Member immediately before your disqualification from your seat,” read the notice issued by the MS branch of Lok Sabha Secretariat on Monday.
The allotment of the aforesaid accommodation shall deem to have been cancelled with effect from April 23, it said.
The former Congress president was disqualified from Lok Sabha as a member last week after he was convicted in a defamation case by a court in Gujarat’s Surat for his “all thieves have Modi surname” remarks at a rally in Karnataka’s Kolar in 2019.