Meghalaya police have arrested 16 persons belonging to ethnic Kuki community and Meitei after they were indulging in a group fight here on Thursday evening following the ethnic violence between the two communities in Manipur.
A police official said the group fight between the two communities at Nongrim Hills near Mizo Morden School was reported to Laitumkhrah Police Station at about 05:30 pm this evening.
“Police rushed to the area and found two persons of one community manhandled by another community,”Sylvester Nongtnger, the district police chief of East Khasi Hills said.
To prevent the situation from getting aggravated, Nongtnger said, police have apprehended and bound down 16 persons under Section 107 CrPC of both the communities for formenting trouble.
The Meghalaya Police has further warned of taking stringent measures against those wanting to vitiate the peace in the city.