30 C
Monday, July 15, 2024

Left Front’s call of 12-hour bandh fails to disrupt daily life amid festivities


By TC News Desk

Agartala, 14th July 2024:  The 12-hour bandh called by the Left Front in response to the tragic death of CPIM Zilla Parishad candidate Badal Shil failed to make a significant impact on the capital city’s daily routine. Reports from the city indicate that traffic was normal throughout the day, with residents engaged in various activities related to the ongoing Kharchi Puja festivities.

“The bandh was meant to address the anger of the people against the ruling party’s governance,” stated a local party leader. “We expected widespread support, but the response has been disappointing.” Shil was fatally attacked by miscreants, prompting the Left Front to call for the bandh in the evening urging citizens to respect the protest.

However, Agartala’s streets tell a different story. Despite the bandh call, many residents continued with their daily errands, as local markets and shops operated without interruption. “It feels like any other day,” remarked a shopkeeper in state’s markets, where shoppers were seen bustling about.

While a group of students attempted to block traffic in protest, their efforts did not gain traction as motorists largely ignored the bandh. “I had things to do today, and I’m not going to let a bandh stop me,” commented one commuter heading to Chaturdash Devta Mandir at Khayerpur.

Even the city’s main bus terminals, including Nagerjala and Radhanagar, functioned as usual with long-distance services running on schedule. The Left Front’s bandh has been characterized as a failure in Agartala, reflecting a disconnect between political calls for action and the public’s day-to-day life.

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