A clash erupted between Nihang Singhs and the police, early Morning on Thursday at Gurdwara Akal Bunga in Sultanpur Lodhi in the district.
According to the police, there was an exchange of firing between the police and Nihang Singhs, resulting in the reported death of a policeman and injuring three others when a group of Nihang Singhs opened fire at police party.
Police said for many years, Budha Dal’s 96 Crore Sant Baba Balbir Singh had charge of the Dera at Gurdwara Akal Bunga in Sultanpur Lodhi. However, on November 21, another group of Nihang Singhs, who separated from them, entered the Gurdwara Sahib and captured the Dera.
On Wednesday, they attempted to capture another Dera.
The police have registered a case against 10 people and arrested them.